Sunday, June 19, 2011

Day 7 — Your Ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush

Dear W,

We had a lot of fun together, didn't we? I thought it was really cool that we could keep in touch afterwards too, just as friends. We've actually talked just two weeks ago, although our "relationship" ended over a year and half ago. You're a really cool person.

But lately, I've been feeling that we've been drifting apart as people. I still love the fact that you're so driven to stay active in the community as well as personally, but I have a hard time sometimes identifying with your motives.

As a friend, I want to be honest with you. You are vain, superficial, somewhat materialistic, and full of avarice. Maybe you're the more honest between the two of us and you can outrightly say that you're driven by the desire for wealth, but I want to believe that there's more to life than money.

I have a feeling that the most recent time we talked on the phone was the very last time we will talk on the phone. In case I don't hear from you, and you don't hear from me, take care of yourself. Eat well, try to get more iron in your body (I know you're anemic), don't worry about your body so much (your body is killer!), and try not to laugh out loud at people who look less fortunate than you (your sense of humor was always interesting).

With best wishes,


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