Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 3 — Your parents

Dear Mom and Dad,
Thank you for everything. Thank you for chipping in your genes to make who I am. Although I can't say I'm completely happy with how the gene's mixed, I'm glad I exist at all.

Mom. Thanks for beating me when I was growing up. I know that most Asian kids experience corporal punishment to a certain extent, but they didn't get beaten by you. I can't say I enjoyed the experiences back then, but now that I'm here, I can see how you helped me to get seated in the right direction everytime I was veering off. It's also thanks to you that I have the aggressive personality and sense of humor that I do. Let's face it, you didn't marry Dad for his sense of humor. That man is as dry as the Sahara during non-rainy season.

Dad. Thank you for showing me how to be a man. You were actually never one to talk much, although you're a great writer, so you only seldom taught me about manhood through words. Instead, you showed it all to me. You showed me that I should never raise my voice to my significant other. You showed me that when it comes to girls, losing is winning (except in academics). I admire your reticence and your ability to fall asleep anywhere. Or rather, perhaps it's that you're quiet by nature, but you work so hard for your family that you're always so tired and don't have trouble catching up on lost sleep anywhere. No matter how it works, thank you.

I know that I'm not the best son. I'm not even a great son. But I think I'm okay. There are a lot worse sons, you know? You remember how you used to compare me to the kids of other families? Well two can play at that game. You're good parents, but you're not great. See what I did there? It doesn't feel good, does it?

Anyway, thank you for...for everything. I promise that you'll never have to worry about me even though you will anyway, and I will do my best to never bring shame to the honorable name of

With love,


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